Sunday, January 28, 2007

Finding Affordable Health Insurance - Can It Be Done?

The words, affordable individual health insurance, would appear to be an oxymoron, or a contradiction of words. This is especially true today as health insurance premiums for some have become the single biggest expense in their lives. Indeed, if you have any serious health problems such as diabetes, or a family history of heart disease or cancer, your monthly premium can surpass even your mortgage payment.
The word "affordable", of course, is a relative term, the meaning of which varies depending on one's financial situation. So for the purposes of this article, affordable health insurance will mean the best health insurance coverage for the least amount of money, or an amount that fits one's budget.
As with most major purchases in our lives - and individual health insurance would certainly qualify as a major purchase - you want to look at as many different products and get as many different quotes as possible. You can then compare and look for the product that comes closest to your needs, and gives you the most "bang for your buck".
When you begin the process of looking for health insurance you should already have a good idea of what your budget will allow. Knowing the maximum cost that you can manage will help narrow down the list of potential companies initially.
One of the easiest and most convenient ways to begin shopping for affordable individual health insurance is to use the free services of an online health insurance broker. From the comfort of your own home (or local library) you can access literally thousands of different health insurance plans. With a few clicks of your mouse, you can receive dozens of free health insurance quotes. It doesn't matter if you are looking for individual health insurance, family health insurance, or group health insurance, it can all be quickly researched online. You can then compare plans side by side, and even apply for health insurance.
One thing to keep in mind in your search for affordable individual health insurance is that the purpose of any health insurance is to protect you from a major financial loss - not to protect you from spending "small" sums of money on office visits and sliver removal. These small expenses can be a burden, but they generally will not break you. It's the $100,000 heart operation that will bankrupt you. In fact, that's the financial disaster health insurance was originally designed to prevent.
In your efforts to keep your health insurance costs affordable, be sure to keep the following in mind: If your budget allows, select a higher deductible, and be sure that you are not paying for coverage you may not need (such as maternity for many folks.) In many cases, such changes will significantly reduce your monthly premiums.
Finding affordable individual health insurance does not need to be an intimidating process. By spending a little time on the Internet comparing several different health insurance quotes and plans, taking more of the risk with higher deductibles, and deleting coverage that you may not need, you will increase your odds of affordable health insurance.

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