Thursday, December 21, 2006

Vision Service Plan Insurance - Covers the Necessities of Sight

At some point in everybody's life there is going to be a need for corrective lens of some sort, whether they be glasses or contacts. As such it's a good idea to look into and buy vision service plan insurance. Of course if this is provided for by the company you work for so much the better. Vision service plan insurance will generally cover the necessities of eye care leaving the cost of cosmetic enhancements up to the consumer to pay out of pocket.

Going online to find out about the nitty gritty of a vision service plan insurance policy and what they stereotypically provide is an easily facilitated task that any individual no matter how computer "challenged" they deem themselves to be. As with any type of insurance the cost of the plan depends on what type of coverage is sought after. The more you cover the more you will pay.

Most plans provide for an eye exam per year as well as lenses and frames for glasses or a set of contacts. Some plans can be set up with more coverage and a series of co payments. Coverage of getting glasses usually encompasses the following:

1. Prescribing. The eye exam and resulting prescription are done.

2. Frame selection. Help is given in choosing frames.

3. Accuracy of lenses. Once the lenses have been made and placed in the glasses making sure they have been done to specifications.

4. Fitting. At the time of pickup making sure that the glasses are adjusted in keeping with the individual's facial structure, this ensures proper vision.

5. Adjustments. This takes care of any subsequent need for adjustment due to general wear and tear.

Getting contacts usually entails the eye exam, prescription and then trying on and testing the new pair of contacts. Oftentimes the ophthalmologist suggests testing a new set of contacts out for a week or two before ordering a new set. Most vision service insurance policies cover the aspects of contacts that are visually necessary but as mentioned previously leave the cost for cosmetic embellishments-such as colors-up to the patient.

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