Sunday, December 31, 2006

The Fraud Chronicles 3: Wicked Witch of Insurance Fraud

Appearances can be deceiving. Some older lady might remind you of your grandmother, until she starts filing fraudulent insurance claims. At that point, the proper action is not to throw water on her but to document the fraud and turn it over to the authorities.

DMA Claims Services ( investigates, conducts surveillance, and if an insurance claim is found to be fraudulent, turns the information over to the insurance company and the proper authorities. And when that happens, the wicked witch isn't going to melt, just end up doing some time in a small room.

This is a case from the DMA Investigations archives, Part 3 of the Fraud Chronicles.

Kindly Old Lady� or The Wicked Witch of Insurance Fraud?
By Jim Smith,
Deputy Director, DMA Investigations

"Ladies of a certain age come in all varieties, as do 20-somethings and 30-somethings. The baby boom generation of ladies, like all generations of women and men alike, includes the good, the bad and the ethically challenged.

"My inclination is to give little old ladies the benefit of the doubt, having had a very kindly grandmother who was good for cookies, cake and the occasional dollar bill slipped into my pocket when Mom wasn't looking. However, if "grandmother" is the cover and distraction used to get away with a fraudulent claim that comes my way, my fondness for my grandma isn't going to help you. If your claim is bogus, I will bust you.

"The claimant in this case was a little old lady, who said she had gotten injured on the job, and had lost ALL use of her right arm. She couldn't use her hand or fingers, and couldn't even drive.

"It began as a normal AOE/COE investigation. This 'sweet little old lady' could not stick with the disguise. On first contact, she became quite nasty (without provocation), refused to meet with me and immediately obtained the services of an attorney. Of course this was immediately reported to the insurance company examiner.

"Not a cookies-and-milk type apparently.

"During the course of taking statements, it became quite clear to me that there was something wrong with the employee's allegations. She had been a 'problem' employee, with pending discipline, and there was no report or evidence of a work related injury. Since the AOE/COE investigation indicated there was something funny about her allegations, we suggested surveillance be conducted, and this was authorized. We set up surveillance at the claimant's residence.

"The holiday season was just beginning as we undertook the assignment. And our little old lady was fully into the grandmother role. She drove her vehicle, shopped, carried packages, presents and groceries. She picked up and carried small grandkids. We got film of her unscrewing the kid-proof baby bottle tops that are so challenging for most adults.

"Only one problem with this heart-warming scene - she was using her right arm and hand fully and without any limitation, contrary to the assertions on her claim forms and to her doctor.

"To underscore the 'knowing' element of fraud (as opposed to accidentally making a misstatement), our subject had two medical appointments during this period. She was driven to these medical appointments by another female, and arrived with her arm in a sling. At each appointment she maintained her original assertion that she was unable to use her right extremity, and had to keep it in a sling. Within 5 minutes of each medical appointment, film was obtained of our subject taking off the sling and taking over as the driver of the vehicle.

"I don't like fraud or the people who commit it. It's why I am good at my job. Grandmother or gangster, executive or laborer - if you lie about injuries in order to collect insurance payments and I get the case, you will be busted. We may not always have enough for prosecution, but in this case we did. This file and evidence were forwarded to the DA and the preliminary hearing has been completed. The judge has determined that the case should go forward to a jury trial, which will commence shortly."

Another victory for truth, justice, and lower insurance premiums.

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Easiest Car Insurance Free Quotes

Imagine this! You are walking down the market place checking out the variety of rates for a box of apples. You scout the market on foot, personally checking with all vendors who have apple carts on display. The entire process takes you roughly about an hour as the market is spread out over a large area. You pass by those that quote a high rate and mentally check those that offer the sum that's nearest to what you can pay. At the end of the exercise you zoom in to the vendor who offers the best quote for the best quality as well. And then you pick your lot. Something similar happens when you shop around for the best free quote in car insurance.

Let us first understand what insurance is. Answer: Insurance is basically an agreement you make with an insurance company to secure yourself or your belongings in case of any eventuality. The insurance is payable in cash, the amount which is pre-decided between the insurance company and the insured. The insured pays a premium to the insurance company regularly towards this insurance cover.

Car insurance is insuring the car that you or your family/ employees would drive. All car insurance companies provide quotes for your cars on request and you can get free quotes by spending some time looking around yourself. Unlike going about the car insurance market on foot as described, there are easier ways to obtain some good free quotes.

Obtaining free quotes for your car insurance is something like this. All vehicles by law are required to have insurance. If your car is not insured you cannot drive it. Therefore you need to get a car insurance done at the earliest.
Now, how do you go about getting your quotes?

In today's internet savvy generation, car insurance quotes can be obtained free over the net. You can also find loads of information about numerous car insurance companies that operate in your district and those car insurance companies, which offer the best and free quotes as well. This helps cut any costs that may be associated in obtaining car insurance quotes from several car insurance agencies.

Let's assume you need a car insurance free quote today. What do you do? Simple, as a first step you log on to the net and run a search for car insurance free quote in your district. This will throw up several web links. You have to click on them to read and understand what the car insurance agencies offer, their free quote requirements, their policy and procedures and such information.

When you are scouting around for the relevant car insurance free quote information you will need some specific information regarding your car. To start with you need to provide your personal contact information which would include name, contact numbers, email address, car driving license number and since when you have it etc.

Then you will need to fill in details about your car like the any current car insurance policies you are holding and their term. This section will probe your car history (any accidents, tickets or violations), the car make and model (4 Wheel drive or sedan), your specific use of the car (to work/ cross-country), and details like if the car has airbags, security alarm system etc etc.

You will also need to clearly mention in your quote requirements what is the coverage amount you need like a full cover or liability only. Also required by the car insurance companies is the bodily limit injury amount you are seeking. Once you submit these details related to car insurance, your quote will be on its way.

All you need to do is await a number of free quotes from several car insurance companies. Once you have shopped around among the best car insurance companies in your district to get the best free quote, select one. You have to try to get the maximum car insurance benefits for your free quote. If you find that you are not happy with the rates in the free quotes that the first lot of car insurance companies have sent you, there are ways to get even better free quotes.

Free quotes depend on the information you put in on the car insurance websites. You can reduce the premium amounts mentioned in the free quotes drastically if you do any of the following and mention the same in your free quote request. You park your car inside a garage. This eliminates damage and theft. You set a �break in warning alarm system in your car. You alone drive your car instead of several persons. You don't have a history of self-caused accidents or violations. You don't need a car hire clause when your car is taken by the insurance agency for any repairs and many such important points.

So you see, you can get fantastic free quotes from reputed car insurance agencies for your car without moving out of your home.

Friday, December 29, 2006

Insurance and Other Factors for a Successful Business

You need an idea to fill a need for goods or services to start a new business. You could be setting up an import-export firm to import or export goods that one area has difficulty in getting and the other area has an abundance to export, but you have to take into account routine factors. Are you insuring shipments from potential damage and theft? Is your storage area or warehouse guarded from potential damage or theft, and are you properly insured?

There are many risks in business in terms of routine operations as well. Another factor is that "time is money". It can be very important to a business owner to get money back for an investment in goods by a certain time. This is called the "cash cycle". There is a big difference in the amount of business you can do if you have purchased goods turned back into cash in the bank in 30 days as opposed to 60 days. With the first time period, you can do twice as much business with the same amount of capital investment. In order to accelerate their cash cycle, some goods merchants find a way to sell their accounts receivable to a bank or other financial agency acting as a "factor". Although they lose 10-20-percent of the face value of the account receivable, they have the cash immediately available for further investment.

Other routine factors for businesses include adequate insurance in case of accidents or theft, or even natural disasters. Do you have the insurance you need (business, liability, workers' compensation)? Physical activities such as truck driving, construction, and the like require adequate insurance. In an office, people can be hurt in freak accidents from slipping on the floor, to something being dropped on them. So having workers in an office all the time is no excuse to be without worker's compensation. Goods being shipped have to be insured against being lost, stolen or damaged in transient.
Other potential situations to insure against include the theft of merchandise and stock from your business, the theft of important documents, accounting journals and papers of your business, insurance against various other sorts of crimes and insurance against the damaging or destruction of equipment. In addition, if some other type of event, such as the disruption of key transportation to your place of business occurs, this can also be insured against.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Finding a Discount Car Insurance Broker

Discount Car Insurance Broker

Times past finding a discount insurance broker was important and offered you access to many different outlets for your needs. Today that's no longer the case as finding a discount insurance broker doesn't really provide you with any benefits or advantages as it once did.

A simple matter of typing in what you're looking for into the search box on the internet will give you access to anything you need with numerous options and plenty of details.

At one time companies didn't have access to the buying public like they enjoy today. So, they used to contract agents and brokers who had been around a long time with a large base of customers. That system was used for years. The public wasn't necessarily best served that way as only those who did business with that agent or was fortunate to find him were able to take advantage of the best rates.

Changing times and technology has very dramactically changed the way we shop, learn and buy the things we want and need. No longer is it driving all with several stops and in and out. We now can begin and even finish our journey right at home in our grubblies.

So, with all that changing now as any of us can access all the different companies simply by going shopping on the internet. The best rates of the companies are presented to you and you simply pick the best buy for you. You may need to make a phone call or so but that sure beats and bump and grind. Really extremely simple compared too not many years ago when we did things or ole fashioned way.

Once you selected the company you fill out the application online, make a down payment with your credit card, check or paypal and you're finished. Pretty niffty I'd say. By the way that's good for we consumers as it's made the carriers much more competitive as well. So forget finding a discount car insurance broker because you have one right there in front of you on your keyboard.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

The Difference Between Life Insurance Brokers And Agents

Perhaps you're now at the point in your life where it's time to buy life insurance to protect your family. There are several options you can take in getting started.

The internet has made buying life insurance a pretty easy choice. You can quickly get a premium term life insurance quote online in minutes.

Another option is what has been done for many years, that are buying life insurance from a broker or an agent. For most people this is the path they take.

When trying to buy low cost life insurance for you and your family, you'll want to have a choice from several different companies. This is where a life insurance broker comes into play.

Whereas an agent is captive to only one company, a broker can literally represent a hundred different life insurance companies.

While it may be convenient to have all of your insurance with one agent and one company, many times you'll pay higher premiums on your life insurance than you need to.

A broker will take your specific situation and needs and search out the best life insurance quote possible. They will be there to answer your questions and discuss all of your options. This allows you to make the best decision for your needs, not the agents.

Finding a premium term life insurance quote online, or a whole life policy, etc, may be a good choice for some, but it can become confusing if you're not careful. With so many companies offering coverage's and so many different types of policies available, you have to know what you're doing.

Do you know how to get the best term life insurance rate? Do you need whole life insurance or universal life insurance? What about variable life insurance? These are all questions that a broker can sit down with you and explain, then go out and find the perfect solution to fit your needs.

All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Reprint Rights: You may reprint this article as long as you leave all of the links active and do not edit the article in any way.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

How to find cheap auto insurance - guidlines and tips

If you are a resident of the United Kingdom and drive a car, then you certainly have to buy auto insurance policy, because no one is allowed to drive a car in Britain without having his car insured. For someone auto insurance might seem an awesome burden, and they hate paying money for it having no other choice. However, there are some ways to reduce car insurance costs and some of us really need to know about these insurance tricks.

Before going further we have to mention that cheapest car insurance is not the best car insurance. You should always bear in mind it. When selecting an insurer, try to find out more about the company, its history and credentials. Ask your friends and relatives about it, may be they can suggest you something you are not aware of. Make a thorough research, which most likely will take several days to complete.

But where are you supposed to get started with the research? The bets place to look in is the Internet. There plenty of web sites out there offering car insurance quotes online. It may take you a day or two to understand what is going on and how to deal with the whole information offered through the web, but it is worth of spending your time, because it's going to pay off. Do not focus on a single insurance company, search for several insurers to compare their quotes.

But your research won't be comprehensive, if you limit its area only with the Internet. Get your local phone directory and call to insurance brokers. They will assist you in a great deal. Insurance brokers will make their own research and suggest you several options to choose from. At least, they are professionals and their advice can be definitely of some use to you.

Now, let's look through some of the factors influencing on the price of your car insurance policy.

Gender and age � these are the factors you cannot influence much on, but should be aware of their role. If you are a male driver under the age of 25, then you should forget about cheap insurance, because you belong to the most risky category of drivers. On the other hand, female drivers are considered to be the most careful drivers and they pay fewer premiums then men. It should be mentioned that the difference between premium levels for men and women gradually melts down as the age of car drivers increases. For example, 50-year-old men drivers pay almost the same level premiums as the female drivers of the same age.

Now, there are some factors you can manipulate in some extent to reduce your car insurance premiums. For instance, if you own an old car that is worth of $1000 and you've got to pay half of this amount for full coverage as you did many years ago, then consider to give up paying for comprehensive coverage.

Another way to reduce car insurance costs is to combine different types of coverage, like homeowners and auto insurance. You can also include a family member in your policy, so you'll get insurance for two persons save money. If you own several vehicles, most of insurers will also offer you a discount.

Auto insurance companies offer cheaper insurance rates for the vehicles that are less risky to be stolen. If you install an anti-theft device on your car, insurance companies would most likely consider your car less risky to be stolen and you can expect to get a reduced auto insurance rate.

These are some, but not the all ways to reduce your car insurance premiums. Before buying insurance policy learn as much as you can about car insurance offers on the market. There are always discounts out there and you can change your insurer every year to get the best deal.

You can learn more about car insurance if you visit a website dedicated to Sheilas Wheels.

Monday, December 25, 2006

Life Savings Insurance Discounts - What's This All About?

Life savings insurance discounts can be acquired through a credit union, and are a level term life insurance. The credit union's that offer this type of insurance plan do so in an attempt to encourage the saving of money and to have the participants keep it in the credit union.

While each credit union offers slight variations on the theme life savings insurance discounts can be availed of if you belong to a credit union that offers such a plan and if you are under the age of 70.

There are some other generally accepted standards that seem to be common to most of these discount plans although when seeking quotes it's always a good idea to look into everything and make sure that you're comparing apples to apples.

There is a set limit for which a participant can be insured. The amounts that I've seen varies from $4,000.00 to $5,000.00. In other words you can save as much as you want and get your account built up to whatever amount you choose but if the limit insured amount is set at $5,000.00 no matter how much your account exceeds that amount you will not be insured for the excess.

In other words, the amount of insurance paid out the time a claim is made is proportional to the amount of money in the savings account-up to the limit of the plan-and the age of the member who passed.

For those who are able to fulfill the requirements a credit union has set forth in order to join them this is a great way to acquire some life insurance. Credit unions offer competitive interest rates and as long as the criteria specific to the credit union are met, and by that I'm referring to the medical and working qualifications, it's a fairly easy and reliable way to get some life insurance.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Life Insurance - How Much Is Enough? Here Are A Few Things To Consider

Many people don't care to talk about the topic of life insurance, because to them, it's to "morbid". Well, it is morbid. It's never pleasant thinking about how life would be for you if you lost a loved one, however, these things do happen every day and the statistics don't lie. It's simply a fact of life. At some point in our lives this is something that most of us will have to go through. Doesn't it make sense to be prepared for it rather than be placed in an overwhelming situation by waiting until it happens?

One thing that makes buying life insurance so complicated for many people, is the question of "how much do I need"? Now, to much is never a bad thing as there are always going to be unexpected expenses that will pop up, but the amount that you'll need to purchase is going to depend on several different factors. These will vary depending upon certain factors and also whether the person being insured has a family or not. Below are a few things to consider before purchasing life insurance.

Are You Married Or Single? - Obviously, there's going to be a different level of resonsibility (in most cases) between a married person and a single person. Single people would need coverage for their final expenses, such as paying for their funeral. This alone can run up into the $7,000-$10,000.00 range these days, with most of that cost being for a casket. You can purchase a burial policy by itself if you have no other expenses to consider. This can be a huge burden for a family member that ends up with the remaining bill of an uninsured person, be it parent, child or sibling. They not only have to go through the grief of a lost loved one, but also the added financial burden that was unexpectedly placed on them.

Personal Debt - You'll also want to have enough coverage in order to repay any outstanding personal debt that you may have. This is especially important if you've had someone co-sign on a loan for you as they would be fully responsible for repayment in the event of your death.

There are many different variables to consider for married couples. Do you have children? If so, how many? Do you want them to be able to attend college? What are their ages? Are you the breadwinner (primary source of income) in your household or do you and your significant other share expenses? Do you currently have a mortgage or do you rent? Do you have outstanding debt? If so, how much? What is it for? Is it secured or unsecured?

There are many more questions to be answered here, but let's just assume that you are the breadwinner and your wife works part time and is a homemaker the rest of the time. Let's also assume that you have two children. You have a mortgage, car payment, some credit card debt and have financed some household furniture.

I want to keep this as simple as possible just because each person's situation is going to be different, but in this case, you would need enough coverage to support your wife and children at least until the kids turn age eighteen. You'll also need enough to repay any personal debt that you currently have. You could purchase a seperate decreasing Term Life policy called "Mortgage Life" and other specific policies such as "Credit Life". These would pay off any outstanding debt that you may have.

You would also want to sit down and figure out your basic household expenses. These include utilities, food, misc household items (toiletries, cleaning supplies, ect.), insurance premiums (car, life for wife and kids, homeowners, dental, medical ect.), savings, gasoline, clothing, school expenses, emergency fund (car repair, ect.) and anything else that may not be listed here.

If you've read this far and don't have any insurance, you may have just received a slap back into reality. It takes a lot of money to pay for our most basic daily, weekly and monthly expenses. Do you have the coverage that you would need to have in the event of an unexpected tragedy? Something to think about.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Staying Prepared With Unemployment Insurance

Unemployment insurance is intended to be a social insurance program that provides temporary benefits to unemployed workers, and imposes payroll taxes on covered employers. It was created in response to the Great Depression, when millions lost their jobs. It was legalized in 1935 as a part of the Social Security Act.

Benefits of Unemployement Insurance:

Unemployment insurance replaces a part of your income when you lose your job, for no fault of your own. If your employer has laid you off, then you are potentially eligible to collect the benefits for at least 26 weeks, until you are recalled, find another job or leave the workforce. In general, the amount of benefit is based on the percentage of earning of an individual, over a recent period of 52 weeks. Many unemployed workers are also provided 50 to 60 percent of their previous wages, but this would depend on the state they live in. Each state in the US works on a different unemployment insurance plan, while the federal law determines the guidelines of each program. This insurance makes sure that the purchasing power of the citizen is maintained. The money for providing these benefits comes from the tax that is imposed on the employers. No contribution comes from the wages of employees. Some States may provide additional benefits for some specific purposes.

Eligibility For Insurance Benefits:

The state law determines the eligibility, amount, and the length of time the benefits will be available to an individual. The amount of benefit depends on the kind of work that you have performed. Your recent work record for a period of 12 months is known as the base year. The claim for unemployment insurance will be based on this base year. In Oregon, 104 dollars per week is the minimum benefit. The maximum benefit a worker can receive is 445 dollars per week. If your wages are 8,112 dollars during the qualifying period, you can become eligible for benefits for 26 weeks. In case of lower qualifying wages, however, you will receive just one third of the amount.

If you want to file a claim for unemployment insurance you need to contact the State Unemployment Insurance agency as soon as possible. You can also file it on the Internet or by telephone. You will receive your first benefit check within two to three weeks of filing the claim. Some states have a waiting period of one week. It is important to give all the information about your former employment when you file the claim, to ensure that the process is not delayed.

The eligibility for collecting additional benefits starts after an unemployed worker has exhausted other unemployment insurance benefits. The State agency can offer you advice on your eligibility for these additional benefits.

Reasons for Disqualification:

If your reason for staying out of a job is because of something other than the lack of work opportunities, then the State agency will determine if you are eligible for the benefits or not. In case of a disqualification, you can file an appeal within an established period. Your employer can also file a counter appeal if he/she disputes the genuineness of your eligibility.

Therefore, if you are eligible for unemployment insurance, then get in touch with the State Unemployment Insurance agency as soon as possible to be able to overcome the financial crisis that results from being unemployed.

Friday, December 22, 2006

Can you afford not to get a Term Life Insurance Quote?

Term life insurance provides death protection for a stated time period. Term life insurance is perhaps the simplest form of life insurance. It was developed to provide temporary life insurance protection on a limited budget. Since term insurance can be purchased in large amounts for a relatively small initial premium, it is well suited for short-range goals such as life insurance coverage to pay off a loan, or providing extra life insurance protection during the child-raising years. In most states term insurance policies are offered providing level premiums for 5, 10, 20, and 30 year periods. These policies can be renewed or continued at higher premiums in most states to age 85 or 95 as stated in the policy.

Term Life Insurance Quote provides a place to shop in private with no hassles. With a policy in place today, you can:
� provide security for your family
� protect your home mortgage
� look at your estate planning needs
� look at other retirement saving & income vehicles

Adjustable premiums:Term life insurance policies have adjustable premiums. This means that State Farm may raise or lower premiums at some point specified in the policy based on projected changes of investment earnings, mortality experience, persistency, and expenses. However, premiums may never be raised above the maximum premiums stated in the policy.
Renewability:State Farm's level term policies allow the policyholder to continue coverage past the original coverage period of the policy. Each time the policy is renewed the premium increases to the amount for the then attained age of the insured. This right is usually offered for a specific period, which varies depending on the type of policy.
Conversion: Term policies are convertible to age 75 in most states. Conversion allows the policyholder to exchange a term life insurance policy for any permanent life insurance policy offered by the Company at any time while the policy is in force (subject to established policy minimums).

Life insurance sites often do not sell life insurance policies at all; rather they sell your information to one or many local agents. Make No Mistake! Recognize the difference! Sites that are valid should display the life insurance broker's name and included a listing of the states, the term life insurance broker is "legally licensed" and "legally appointed" to conduct business.

Term Life Insurance Quote is a FREE SERVICE dedicated to helping you with all of your life insurance quotes and term life insurance quotes needs. We offer access to a Nationwide network of life insurance and term life insurance experts.

People buy life insurance - term life insurance because too often most of their other plans fail. They buy it because they realize the need of protection for their families after their death; or for a reserve for emergencies and additional income for later years.

Life insurance can:
� Provide cash and income needs on and immediately following death such as unpaid bills and taxes and other obligations.
� Prevent a family's suddenly dropping from its accustomed standard of living after the death of the breadwinner.
� Provide continuous flow of funds for the living spouse.
� Allocate income funds for the children's education.
� Provide a retirement income throughout old age.
� Provide a reliable savings plan for the future.
� Supplement income when earning power is destroyed by illness of accidents, such as covering medical expenses.
� Furnish surplus earnings for the investors should disaster strike.
� The bottom line is this: While Life Insurance is not always the insurance product at the forefront of your thoughts, Life insurance is always a friend in time of need.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Vision Service Plan Insurance - Covers the Necessities of Sight

At some point in everybody's life there is going to be a need for corrective lens of some sort, whether they be glasses or contacts. As such it's a good idea to look into and buy vision service plan insurance. Of course if this is provided for by the company you work for so much the better. Vision service plan insurance will generally cover the necessities of eye care leaving the cost of cosmetic enhancements up to the consumer to pay out of pocket.

Going online to find out about the nitty gritty of a vision service plan insurance policy and what they stereotypically provide is an easily facilitated task that any individual no matter how computer "challenged" they deem themselves to be. As with any type of insurance the cost of the plan depends on what type of coverage is sought after. The more you cover the more you will pay.

Most plans provide for an eye exam per year as well as lenses and frames for glasses or a set of contacts. Some plans can be set up with more coverage and a series of co payments. Coverage of getting glasses usually encompasses the following:

1. Prescribing. The eye exam and resulting prescription are done.

2. Frame selection. Help is given in choosing frames.

3. Accuracy of lenses. Once the lenses have been made and placed in the glasses making sure they have been done to specifications.

4. Fitting. At the time of pickup making sure that the glasses are adjusted in keeping with the individual's facial structure, this ensures proper vision.

5. Adjustments. This takes care of any subsequent need for adjustment due to general wear and tear.

Getting contacts usually entails the eye exam, prescription and then trying on and testing the new pair of contacts. Oftentimes the ophthalmologist suggests testing a new set of contacts out for a week or two before ordering a new set. Most vision service insurance policies cover the aspects of contacts that are visually necessary but as mentioned previously leave the cost for cosmetic embellishments-such as colors-up to the patient.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Confused By Auto Insurance Companies?

Almost everyone needs to know about auto insurance companies. Even if you don't drive right now, you may one day find that you need to. Even if you live in the city and have no need for a car, you may find that one day you move from the city and suddenly, a car is a necessity. Though there are some that go through life without driving, you know that almost every does so. This is why there is such stiff competition out there for insurance.

You may notice that auto insurance companies have a lot of advertisements on television, and you may also notice that they are vastly different in appeal and target audience. Some products have a simple audience they know they must reach. Almost any product has an age and gender group they target and they place their ads accordingly. This is not the case with auto insurance companies. They have to target everyone. This is why the ads are so diverse and are on at all times of the day. They have to appeal to every age group and gender, and that means a huge number of different ad campaigns.

Because there are so many ads out there by auto insurance companies, it can be easy to get confused. Who really is the best? Truthfully, there is no right answer to that question. You want to save money, everyone does, but your location, automobile, and your driving record all play a part in how much you pay. You also pay more for full coverage. Auto insurance companies can't promise you the best deal because each individual will have a different story when it comes to what they need and how much it will cost them.

There are some auto insurance companies that offer to compare prices for you. It sounds good in theory, but I'm not sure I'm buying it. They can say they are giving the quote from other companies, but how many of these quotes are accurate? I know that one of the auto insurance companies give you four quotes from other companies. The problem with this is that there are so many companies out there that it is impossible to know if they have selected the highest quotes and left off the ones that might truly save you money. The best way to get the best price is with old-fashioned hard work. You have to check it out for yourself.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Art and Antiques Insurance

Is the Art and Antiques Insurance Cover on your Home Policy Adequate for your needs ?
Most home policies will insure your precious objects like art or antiques under the contents section of the policy. But if you possess a valuable painting, item or collection, it's worth checking to see whether this cover really meets your needs fully. You may get a better deal by switching to an insurance provider who understands art and antiques insurance better.

Most home policies are designed to offer Art and Antiques Insurance in a very general manner. After all, they have been created to cater to the needs of an average family and accord very little consideration to the specific needs of the individual customer, especially one who owns precious art and antiques.

Typically, the insurance cover will be limited to a percentage of the overall contents. Besides this, the insurance sum insured will have a single article limit that's too low and rarely provides cover away from the home unless a specific extension to cover is opted, and paid, for. This may not be the ideal situation for precious objects like art, antiques and other high value items.

Dovetail Insurance Services only recommends insurers who recognize that this type of general cover is too restrictive for individuals needing more art and antiques insurance than the average home. These providers are often referred to as "High Net Worth" insurers.

These are some of the art and antiques insurance benefits you could get with a High Net Worth policy:

� Worldwide All Risks cover so that your art and antiques are covered wherever you may take them.

� A high value single article limit (i.e. no individual specification required) of up to �25,000

� Depreciation in value of the piece of art or antique, following restoration, if it is only partially damaged rather than completely lost or destroyed

� Assistance in getting your art and antique collections professionally valued

� If you have a valuation, which is less than 3 years old, your art or antique could be covered for up to 150% of the specified figure to give protection against market value appreciations

� New acquisitions of art or antiques covered automatically upon purchase with a set time period to notify the insurers.

The insurance cover varies between each provider so we need to know which items are particularly valuable to you so that we can get the best possible art and antiques insurance. Please use the �Your Specific Needs' section of the quotation request form to tell us or contact us directly.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Motorcycle Insurence - What Coverage Do You Need?

Owning a motorcycle can be a lot of fun, but when it comes time for insurance, I see many of the same people become lost as to what type of motorcycle coverage they really need. So, just what do you need to look for in a motorcycle insurance policy? Here are some quick tips to help.

Protecting Yourself And Passengers

Liability Coverage - Naturally, liability coverage is a must to help in protecting others in case you're deemed to be at fault in a covered accident. Talk with your insurance agent about the amount of liability coverage you need.

Guest Passenger Liability Coverage - This coverage provides protection for bodily injuries to any passenger that you may have on your motorcycle should you be at fault in a covered accident.

Medical Payments - This coverage provides payments for reasonable medical treatment for you or another injured person in the event of an accident.

Uninsured / Underinsured Motorist - This protection will cover damages caused by those drivers who fail to carry any insurance at all, or don't carry enough to pay for the damages.

Protecting Your Motorcycle

Collision - Pays for the repairs or replacement of your motorcycle in the case of a covered accident. Generally, you'll use this coverage if you are at fault, but in other cases it can be used even if you're not at fault and the other insurance company is slow to settle the claim. Once they do, your insurance company will refund you back your deductible.

Comprehensive - This motorcycle insurence coverage pays for covered losses from damages caused by peril other than collision. Typically, this would include fire, theft, vandalism, storm damage and other covered causes. Talk to your agent for a complete list of covered causes.

Added Equipment Coverage - Have you added on some custom options to your motorcycle? You may need to have this coverage added to your policy. It covers a loss for equipment that was not included as standard equipment, or equipment that was not permanently installed by the manufacturer. This is an important coverage to consider adding.

Towing - This option provides for reimbursement of towing charges up to the policy limit in the event your motorcycle breaks down.

Rental Reimbursement - In the event of a covered loss, if you also have comp and collision coverage on your policy, you can have rental transportation while your motorcycle is being repaired. You'll be able to rent a car and the policy will reimburse your expense up to the policy limits.

Other Discounts

Multiple Motorcycles - Many motorcycle insurers will offer a multi-cycle discount if you have more than one motorcycle on the same policy. This discount can really add up over time, so check to see that a company offers this coverage if this applies to you.

Motorcycle Safety Course Discount - This is another discount you may be eligible for if you have passed a motorcycle safety course. Generally, the discount applies for up to 3 years after certification. Again, talk to your agent about this coverage.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Umbrella Insurance for Greater Coverage

When the amount of a claim against you exceeds the coverage provided by your home or auto insurance policy, you are saddled with the prospect of settling this excess liability on your own. Your insurance company will not cushion you against this contingency. However, there is a way out. To overcome this eventuality, you can obtain an excess liability policy, or an umbrella policy.

This policy will give you the required cushion against any claim exceeding the amount covered by your normal insurance policy. For example, suppose your auto insurance policy covers claims of accidental pedestrian injury up to an amount of $20000. If an accident does occur, and a claim of $50000 dollars is adjudicated against you, the insurance company will only pay the $20000 agreed upon, and you will have to pay the balance $30000 out of you personal funds. If you do not have the cash or any other liquid asset, then your home, or some other fixed assets could be at stake. You may even be reduced to a state of bankruptcy. This is where an umbrella policy can help you. An umbrella policy will take care of the excess amount of $30000 dollars that you would have had to pay from you own funds.

The umbrella policy expands the coverage offered by your home or auto policy. You can purchase this policy for coverage of up to five million dollars. Moreover, the premium is very low and you may have to pay just $300 to $400 a year for this coverage.

When the amount of a claim against you exceeds the coverage provided by your home or auto insurance policy, you are saddled with the prospect of settling this excess liability on your own. Your insurance company will not cushion you against this contingency. However, there is a way out. To overcome this eventuality, you can take an excess liability policy, or an umbrella policy.

This policy will give you the required cushion against any claim exceeding the amount covered by your normal insurance policy. For example, suppose your auto insurance policy covers claims of accidental pedestrian injury up to an amount of $20000. If an accident does occur, and a claim of $50000 dollars is adjudicated against you, the insurance company will only pay the $20000 agreed upon, and you will have to pay the balance $30000 out of you personal funds. If you do not have the cash or any other liquid asset, then your home, or some other fixed assets could be at stake. You may even be reduced to a state of bankruptcy. This is where an umbrella policy can help you. An umbrella policy will take care of the excess amount of $30000 dollars that you would have had to pay from you own funds.

Further, many companies will not offer you the umbrella policy unless you have your home or auto insured with them. They may also require you to maintain a certain level of liability on your home or auto insurance.

The umbrella policy does not only cover your cars and homes, but also offers personal injury protection which may include false arrest, false imprisonment, malicious prosecution, defamation, invasion of privacy, wrongful entry or eviction. The terms may vary according to each company, and from one state to another.

The umbrella policy is an excellent way to protect yourself against expenses for claims exceeding the coverage provided by your regular insurance policy. It can be bought for a very low annual premium, and proves very helpful in protecting your personal assets from lawsuits and legal action.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Life Insurance Plan Online - 7 Terms You Should Know

Being able to search for the perfect life insurance plan online has enabled more and more people to get just the plan they want. Going on line avails the consumer of free quotes on plans not to mention an array of information from which to draw. One cannot hope to get a quality product without being an informed consumer and so before searching for a life insurance plan online it behooves one to become acquainted with the terminology and intricacies of the life insurance world.

There are seven particularly important words and phrases whose meanings have direct bearing on how you streamline your policy. Knowing what they represent is a integral ingredient to the process of figuring out which is the best plan for each individual situation.

And the terms to know are�

1. Face Value

This is pretty self explanatory. If a policy has a face value of $15,000.00 then that is the amount that will be paid out upon death of the policy holder.

2. Accidental Death Benefit

Also known as "double indemnity" this benefit stipulates that an additional amount of money will be paid out if the insured dies due to an accident.

3. Disability Income Rider

This provision pays the insured a set sum each month after the first six months of suffering with a disability.

4. Guaranteed Insurability

This allows the insured to buy additional coverage at any point in their life even if they've reached the point where they are considered uninsurable.

5. Incontestable Clause

A good protective device this states that after the policy has been in effect for one or two years the company can't contest it.

6. Policy Loan Provision

This allows the policy holder to borrow money against a permanent life insurance policy for any value up to the amount of the cash value of the policy at the time of loan application.

7. Waiver of Premium Benefit

This stipulates that the company will pay premiums, should the insured become disabled for a period no longer than six months, from the time of disability.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Small Business Auto Insurance - Insuring Your Business Assets

Small business auto insurance even for those running a small business is sometimes deemed necessary and sometimes not. If running a small home business most of the insurance pundits suggest judging how much you'll be using your car for business purposes and what liability issues may prevail and then deciding whether to go with personal or small business auto insurance.

When It's The Right Insurance To Buy

OK so now you're wondering when should you buy small business auto insurance. Well you should buy it if you are going to be making ample use of your vehicles. For instance, a plumber operating from his home would want to have small business insurance whereas someone who is a writer wouldn't. The point of comparison here is that these are both home based businesses. The plumber uses his home as his office and point of return and departure, he stores his equipment and other necessities at his home. The writer works at home and may actually use her car less than someone going to the office or some other form of job outside the house since she stays home typing all day.

The plumber needs liability coverage for his vehicle and his company needs to be covered in case he damages any property belonging to a client, as well as covering any possible employees. So here we have examples of two home businesses and two very different insurance needs.

The Cost Of Auto Insurance

Cost is always uppermost on people's minds. We want to get the most bang for the buck and naturally the same holds true when buying insurance. The ease of getting many a quote from which to compare policies makes it possible to efficiently shop around and sometimes even qualify for their discounts.

Generally speaking small business auto insurance is priced the same as personal auto insurance. Such factors as the number of miles driven per day, who is driving and driving records of those driving are standard no matter whether buying personal or business auto insurance. With business insurance though comes the added emphasis placed on liability. The higher the limits the higher the premium but depending on what the business entails that might just be a necessary evil to swallow as part of the business expenses. The old adage better to be safe that sorry is a good one to follow when purchasing this type of insurance.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Understanding Home Insurance

Home insurance is a type of policy in which a number of protections are combined into one unit. Some of these protections may cover things which are stolen from the home, or it may cover accidents which occur while a person is in their home. There are a number of factors that are taken into consideration when an insurance company is trying to determine the cost of home insurance. In most cases, the expense involved with replacing the home is estimated, and a number of other items may be included in the insurance policy as well. The agreements which are signed for home insurance are long and detailed.

These documents will often state what is covered and what is not. Some of the things which are not included in home insurance are floods, war, or earthquakes. If homeowners want their homes to be covered in the event these things happen, they will need to purchase separate insurance. In most cases, the policy for home insurance will be made for a set period of time. The payment which is made by the homeowner to the insurance company is named the premium. The payments for the insurance will need to be made based on the terms of the agreement. The amount of the payment is dependent on the risk of the home.

For example, a house that is near a fire department will have a low premium compared to a house that is a long distance away from a fire department. Another type of home insurance is called perpetual insurance, and is basically home insurance that does not have a term that is fixed. Whether or not this loan can be obtained is dependent on where the homeowner lives. In the US, most of the funds for home insurance is taken in a loan that is similar to a mortgage. Many banks will make it mandatory for their customers to purchase home insurance, as this will protect the company in the event that the home is heavily damaged.

The people that are listed on the home insurance policy should be those who have a vested interest in the home that is related to insurance. There are a number of different variations that are available for home insurance. Prior to the 1950s, homeowners in the United States had to buy separate insurance policies for each type of damage that may have been sustained by their home. For example, fires, flood, theft, and other disasters would all have to be purchased separately. By the end of the 1950s, many insurance companies begin allowing homeowners to purchase policies that would cover all these things. However, the documents were long and complicated.

This caused a large number of problems to occur in the insurance industry, but they were largely solved by the introduction of the Insurance Services Office. This organization was formed in 1971 to present a policy ot homeowners that was easier to understand. As of this writing, the ISO has created six homeowners insurance documents that can be used for homowners who wish to purchase home insurance.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Travel Insurance

Travel insurance is designed to cover any financial loss while travelling abroad or within your own country.

The insurance policy can be arranged either by dedicated insurance companies or can normally be taken at the point of booking the holiday via the travel agent or booking agent.

There are several different types of travel insurance policies that can be purchased:

Annual insurance � This will cover you for 12 months
Single trip insurance � Will cover for a specified time period and trip
Multi trip insurance � This type of insurance will cover a set amount of trips
Backpacker insurance � Travelling alone with no fixed hotel or travel plans
Ski Insurance � High risk sports require specific insurance policies
Snowboarding insurance � Same as ski insurance
Student insurance - Different policy details for younger travellers

What can travel insurance cover?

Travel insurance generally covers you for specific incidents that happen whilst on your holiday, some of the below maybe covered but it is always recommend to check with your travel insurance provider:

- Cancellation of your holiday
- Delayed departure at the air port or sea port
- Loss, theft or damage to personal possessions and money
- Delayed baggage
- Medical expenses whilst abroad
- Emergency evacuation
- Overseas funeral expenses
- Accidental death, injury or disablement benefit
- Legal assistance

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

The Benefits of Obtaining RV Insurance in Fresno

The Benefits of Obtaining RV Insurance in Fresno

Do you love to go camping in the outdoors? If so, it is possible that you may be the owner of a recreational vehicle, otherwise known as an RV. RVs come in all different shapes, sizes, and styles. Despite the different makes and models, you will find that many RVs have one thing in common; they are fairly expensive to purchase. That is why you may want to consider protecting your investment with Fresno RV insurance.

When it comes to obtaining RV insurance, there are many individuals who wonder why they should get it. In reality, the actual question should be why not. As previously mentioned, an RV is a large purchase. This purchase can often be compared to buying a new vehicle or a home. Most individuals purchase automobile insurance for their vehicles and homeowner's insurance for their homes. If you have obtained these coverage plans for your other large purchases, why not for your RV?

As with your home or your vehicle, RV insurance will protect your RV and your finances. In the even that your RV is damaged, due to a force of nature or another disaster, you will most likely be able to receive assistance. This financial assistance can be used to repair or replace your damaged RV. As with most other automobile insurance polices, you should also be able to purchase liability coverage. This coverage can be used to protect yourself or others that may be injured, should an accident occur.

The first step in purchasing or learning more about RV insurance is to find a Fresno RV insurance company to do business with. When searching for an RV insurance company, you will see that you have a number of different options. One of options includes obtaining insurance through an agent or company that you already do business with. Many insurance companies offer a wide range of insurance policies, including automobile insurance and homeowner's insurance.

If you unable to obtain Fresno RV insurance from the insurance company that you currently do business with, you will have to find a new insurance company. This can be done by using your local phone book or the internet. You may also want to rely on recommendations from friends, family members, co-workers, or neighbors.

Once you have found at least one Fresno RV insurance company, you will want to fully examine the coverage plans that they have available. Once you have examined these plans and the amount of money that they cost, you can make a final decision. Regardless of where you purchase your Fresno RV insurance from, you will likely be pleased with the results. You may never need to file a claim, but there is just something about knowing that there is assistance available if you need it.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Why is wedding insurance so important?

A wedding day should be perfect in every way and nothing should get in the way of perfection. However, it's important to be realistic about things. The fact is that things do go wrong, venues can get double booked, dresses can get damaged and florists can go out of business. So, what do you want to run the risk of a small problem completely ruining your day? Choosing not to insure your wedding is a big gamble to take, and is it one that you can afford to take?

Your wedding day should be the happiest day of your life. You have spent weeks, months or even years planning the special day and it is your right to enjoy every last bit of it. No-one ever expects that things can go wrong but the fact of the matter is that things can and do go wrong.

Last year, I read an article about a bride who had been meticulously planning her wedding day. She was super organised and had everything right down the wedding favours all bought, paid for and organised. Everything was all done and dusted months in advance and she � like many other brides � was organising a big event on a small budget. Whenever something was on sale, she bought it and stored it to save cost. Unfortunately, however, she made cutbacks when it came to wedding insurance. This is an area in which so many brides decide to take a gamble and not bother splashing out on something that they probably won't need anyway. But, beware because it could make or break your day as was the case with this poor bride. 4 weeks before her wedding the wedding venue was set alight by some locals. Suffice to say, the entire building including bar area, restaurant area and kitchen area was completely destroyed. Not having opted for wedding insurance, this poor bride not only lost her wedding venue but also her deposit and at such short notice was not able to find a suitable alternative venue. The story did have a happy ending because a close friend had just purchased a plot of land and a barn. The barn had recently been converted and was lying vacant. Her guests rallied round and between them were able to arrange table linen, chairs, decoration and caterers. However, she did end up having to pay through the nose for last minute caterers not to mention the extra expense of calling her guests to advise of the venue location. Despite the dreadful shock and disappointment of this awful tragedy, she had a fabulous wedding day that all went perfectly. But, you may not be so lucky.

Everyone has a budget to stick to when planning a wedding, but when you are making cutbacks try to weigh up which cut backs are sensible and which ones are just silly.
Nearly every wedding goes perfectly but there are weddings that due to circumstances completely out of anyone's control, where things do go wrong. Best advice is to take out some sort of wedding insurance, even if it only covers the venue, outfits, flowers and photographer. Shop around for the best deal as some wedding insurers do packages from as little as �50, and this �50 could be money very well spent!

This article has been written by the team at World of Wedding Favours � a great place to find unique, unusual and even personalised wedding favours. Visit the easy to navigate website to find an abundance of competitively priced wedding favours: Wedding Insurance

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Insurance And Why You Should Take Notice

Insurance is one of the most essential financial tools you will need in all aspects of your life, yet it is a topic that many people overlook. Insurance can be boring as well as confusing, but it is important that you get the basics right so that you don't get caught out.

Always need more

When you are looking at which types of insurance you need, it is easy to overlook some things that you need insuring. If you can afford to insure something or be protected against something then it pays to do so. You usually need more insurance than you think, both in terms of types of insurance and levels of cover.

Don't pay too much

Although insurance is necessary, you don't want to pay too much for it. Insurance is only worth it at the right price. Paying too much for insurance will outweigh the advantages that it gives you. Always shop around for your insurance, and consult independent financial advice if you are unsure about which insurance package is right for you.

Look online

If you want information about insurance terms, prices, or lenders then the best place to look is online. Some of the best insurance deals can be had online, and using one website to compare prices is much more convenient than walking round your high street talking to different lenders. If you want to save time then look online for your insurance first.

What insurance do you need?

Obviously the type and amount of insurance you need really depends on your lifestyle and individual needs. However, there are a number of types of insurance that most people should
have or at least consider having. These include:

� Life insurance
� Vehicle insurance
� Property insurance
� Liability insurance
� Travel insurance
� Medical insurance

Obviously there are many other types of insurance, and if you have something that you want to protect then you will probably be able to get insurance for it.

Is insurance worth it?

Many people think that insurance is a waste of time because it costs them money and they never claim. This is a good thing, because you really don't want to have to claim on your insurance. Good insurance is essential, because it protects the things that we value most. If anything should happen to these items then we know we will be compensated for it or be able to replace it.

Insurance to avoid

As well as good insurance there are plenty of types of insurance that you should avoid. Never pay too much for your insurance or more than you think it is worth, because this defeats the point of the insurance policy. Also, don't sign anything that has strict limits on what you can claim for, making the policy almost worthless. Try and get a good level of cover at the right price, and before agreeing to anything check that the lender is reputable and that if you need to claim they will be able to compensate you.

Saturday, December 9, 2006

Life Insurance Terms Explained

Buying life insurance can seem confusing if you don't know the terms that are used within the industry. Understanding the jargon involved will not only make the process of finding life insurance easier, but will also help you to find the best deal for your needs. Here are some of the most common life insurance terms explained:

Term life insurance

Term life insurance is the most common form of life insurance. The policy is taken out over a specific time length, with premiums paid out each over this period. If you die within this period then a lump sum is paid out. If you come to the end of the term and you are still alive then your cover stops. This type of insurance is popular because although it doesn't guarantee payout it is relatively cheap.

Whole life insurance

Whole life insurance does exactly as it says by insuring you until you die. Premiums are paid until you die, at which time a lump sum is paid out. This type of life insurance guarantees a payout, but it does cost a lot more money than term life insurance.

Life insurance vs. life assurance

Many people get confused when they hear the terms life insurance and life assurance mentioned, and want to know the difference between them. Simply put, there is no difference. Life insurance and life assurance are two terms for the same thing. If you are offered a life assurance policy this is basically life insurance under another name.

Qualifying policy

The term qualifying policy refers to life insurance that pays out a tax-free sum. If you see this term used or offered it means that when you die your policy will pay out a lump sum that your family will not have to pay tax on. This obviously depends on the payout amount and eligibility, but if you can get a qualifying policy you should do so.


When people here the term estate they might think you mean an actual property or estate. However, in life insurance the term simply refers to the total assets that an individual has. This can be worked out by subtracting any debts from the value of savings and property. When you die your estate is how much you leave behind in monetary value.


If you are in the process of churning, this means you are surrendering one life insurance policy and then taking out another one. If possible you should try and avoid this because it will mean that you lose money, as any money you have already paid to one policy will have been wasted and you will need to start all over again.

Waiver of premium

Some life insurance policies offer a clause that means if you can no longer pay your premiums then they will be covered for you for a length of time. This means that should you fall ill or into financial difficulty your cover will remain and you won't lose out all the money you put into the policy. Although this feature can be useful it is likely to mean your premiums will be higher. Make sure that you only sign up for clauses that you really need. This will allow you to find the best policy for your needs.

Friday, December 8, 2006

Keeping Your Car Insurance Low

If you are looking for car insurance or already have car insurance, then you might have found there is a vast difference in price quotes. Keeping your car insurance low can be tricky, but if you know where to look and what not to do then you can get a really good price.

Look around

The easiest way to keep your car insurance low is to look at as many different lenders as you can. There is a great variation in the quotes you can receive so shopping around can really pay off. Looking at online lenders is the quickest way to compare prices, but you should also look at your local high street lenders as well.

Look at insurance before you buy

Before you buy a car it pays to look at insurance. You may have found a great deal on a car but if the insurance price is too high you may be paying more than you want to. Compare the price of new and used cars, and how much it costs to insure each model.

Ask for a high deductible

Having a high deductible, or the amount you have to pay before the insurance works, can lower the costs. Having a higher deductible means that your overall yearly payment will be less. However, remember to have the deductible money set aside, and that if you need to make a small claim the high deductible might not be cost effective.

Have low cover on old cars

If you have an old car, it may not be cost effective to have comprehensive insurance on it. If the premium you are paying is more than one tenth the cost of the car, then you should reduce your policy to lesser coverage.

Maintain good credit

If you have a good credit rating then insurance is much easier to get hold of and you can get better rates. Make sure that you pay bills on time and stay within your means and you will get better deals on all types of insurance.

Keep your mileage low

Another way to keep car insurance low is to drive less. Many car insurance companies offer lower rates for people who keep their yearly mileage low, as there is less risk of accidents or car failure. If you can drive less or share work driving with someone this can lower your premiums.

Be economical

When choosing a car, try and pick one that has good reliability and low fuel consumption. These factors don't mean you have to lose out on luxury or features, but will help to keep your insurance low. If you have an economical car and keep driving to essential journeys then you will definitely save money on your insurance. Even if you are a new driver or have a high-powered car there are deals to be had as long as you shop around and are willing to compromise.

Thursday, December 7, 2006

Car Insurance Companies: A Few Top Quote Comparison Sites

Finding the ideal car insurance companies for your situation can be a nightmare. As is the case with most popular topics, it is increasingly difficult to wade through the multitude of spam "quote comparing" websites to find the best company. After spending considerable time weeding through the sites, I am happy to report to you the top three resources for reliable car insurance companies quotes. Keep in mind this is only my personal opinion, but I'm sure others will agree.


Progressive advertises a service to show you how their rates compare with others. I have seen more advertising for Progressive than all other car insurance companies. A week or so ago, I eventually decided to check out their instant service. Although others have found their very helpful, it was malfunctioning when I attempted and all I got back were Progressive quotes. With that being said, it was a simple interface that I was able to finish in minutes.


Insure is a popular site that gives rates for all kinds of insurance. They also have services for life, businss, travel, etc. One test I like to perform is whether they recognize my zip code. My zip code was new more than 4 years ago, so it is quite alarming how many sites still say it is invalid. Sadly, Insure was one of those sites. Even though it really gets to me when they fail to have current zip code data, this is still a site you ought to try when you shop for car insurance for your family.


This final site I reviewed has the cleanest form to fill out of all. And guess what. They recognized my new North Carolina zip code! One thing to keep in mind is that apparently they conduct these car insurance companies comparisons themselves. After entering my initial info, I was taken to a screen to choose from other sites serving my area. I selected to perform my search.

Keep in mind that these sites doing comparisons of car insurance companies have their own desire to make money before their attempt to save you money. So you should shop around even among the above and other sites to receive the best deal.

I'm sure you will find great use in these quote comparison resources to find the top car insurance companies for you. Please pass along any other great sites you've come across. The topic isn't just for "experts," you know! You can even publish your own helpful article at the link found in the section below. I'm sure there are at least a handful of other sites for expert car insurance companies insights which would benefit others as well.

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

The Origins of Insurance Business

The first known property insurance originated before the dawn of Christianity, in the first century BC. Chinese merchants wanted to protect themselves from shipping losses due to storms, pirates, and other harmful experiences at sea.
They divided each cargo among many ships as a means of insurance against losing the entire cargo.

In the Western world, it was British merchants who originated property insurance. They developed the habit of passing the time of day in a coffeehouse located near the docks, named Lloyd's. The more daring merchants offered to finance potentially hazardous trade voyages; they coined the term " Underwrite" to describe this method of financing, so they became the first insurance underwriters.

Over Time, underwriters became more skilled at predicting losses so insurance rates could be standardized. Soon,individuals began to form companies to provide adequate protection for a larger portion of the population.
The first property insurance company was established in London in 1667, the year after the city was almost obliterated by fire.

Benjamin Franklin established the first organized insurance company in the new World in 1752, the Philadelphia Contribushionship for the Insurance of Houses from Loss by Fire.
The first acident insurance policy in AMerica was sold in 1863. Soon after this, insurance against loss from burglary ( property taked by forced entrance ) was offered and theft insurance to cover other forms of stealing followed in 1899. The first workers' compensation insurance was sold in 1910.

The insurance companies grew, both financially and in their understanding of how to share and manage risks. originally, it was the underwriters themselves who tried to interest people in buying insurance coverage, talking among their business acquaintances. However, this proved to be too time consuming when it came time to travel to attract new customers. So they appointed people to travel by horseback into the countryside to meet more people who might like to buy the coverage they offered. These were the first insurance " agents".

Generally, a person who buys an insurance policy is paying a small amount of money to receive the promise that, if there is a loss to the individual, the insurance company will pay for it. The funds to pay for the loss come from all the premiums paid by every person who did not have a loss, and earnings from the company's investments of the premiums.

Of course, it's more than just a promise from the insurance company: it's actually a legal contract between the individual and the company, a piece of paper detailing the coverage, its value and its limitations.

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Home Insurance Facts for you

A major investment for families and most people is the purchase of a house. Life's savings or major loans go into this investment and protecting that asset is a necessity. Home insurance coverage is one means of protecting your home. Choose a home insurance policy from the several available policies in the market. Getting the right home owners insurance is difficult. Most standard home insurance policies provide coverage for damage to your home and items in your house.

Cover is provided if damage occurs due to Fire, lightning, smoke, frozen pipes, Snow, Ice, and theft. The most common liability cover is around $100,000. You may need much more and some policies cover for medical payments and liability claim to their parties as well. You need to take note of valuable and other items that will not be covered by your home insurance policy. Diamond, priceless artwork and other valuable are not covered under house insurance policy. There are special insurance types that cover these valuables.

Are Calamities included?
There are many reasons cited not to include calamities into home insurance. But the fact remains that calamities are major incidents and it is not profitable for the insurance company to include these in the policies or else they will have to settle claims for everyone which may result in them going bankrupt. However these are offered under special endorsements.
� Some home insurance policies exclude natural calamities. So do not be surprised if a flood or earthquake is not there in your policy statement. You need to get additional or separate cover for these events. Check with your policy to see that in the event of a calamity whether only the home is insured or even the house hold articles are insured.
� Calamities caused by humans are also excluded. Terrorism, damages caused by an act of war, nuclear accident is not covered under most home insurance policies.

Cover and choices
Getting the appropriate cover and finding the right insurance type is possible if you prepare a home insurance checklist and compare quotes to identify the policy good for you.
� Most homeowner's insurance policies are due to mortgage lenders requiring you to take a minimum amount of homeowners insurance. This minimum amount is usually an appraisal of the present value of the house. It is not the minimum cover that you should look at. You could consider purchasing replacement cost coverage so that your damaged property could be replaced. You could also consider finding out the cost of rebuilding your house and insuring it for that amount rather than the usual cover.
� Insurers value your property differently. One method is they give you a replacement value minus the depreciation for the years you own the item. The next method is replacement costs which pays you the present cost of the item if it were to be purchase today, so that you can replace the old one with the new one. If the second method is used the home insurance is costlier.
� Choosing a larger deductible will require you to pay this amount out of your pocket in the event of a loss. This will save on premium charges.
� Premium is also lesser if you have a safety system with fire alarm or fire resistant materials or even a fire hydrant close to your home.
� Premium is less if you have a home security system installed to prevent burglaries and alert you in times of emergency.
� Premiums will be still lesser if you get your other insurance needs by the same company. (For example: auto insurance)
� Lowest premiums are not always the best deals, Cover and other factors make the premium rates. Check with your state department to evaluate your insurance company and the policy offer.

Monday, December 4, 2006

5 Steps To Cheap Car Insurance Premiums

Car insurance is compulsory, but it's not necessary to pay more than you have to. A few simple steps combined with some time surfing for competitive car insurance rates really can save you serious money at renewal time.

Step 1 - Cut the Risk and Cut the Cost
The easiest way to cut your car insurance premiums is to cut the risk and accept a higher voluntary excess. An insurer's standard excess may be �100 but if you meet the first �250 of any claim, you'll see a reduction in your premium. This is because you're taking on more of the risk so you get a discount. But it's a gamble, be aware that you might have to meet the cost of a broken window after an attempted theft or a bill for repairing bodywork damage after a car park crunch.

Step 2 - Security Means Savings
Fitting security devices can also result in cheap car insurance premiums. All major insurers insist on Thatcham rated security equipment, usually a minimum of an alarm. If you live in a high-risk area for car crime, it makes sense to fit extra security. It saves you money when your insurance renewal is due and gives you extra peace of mind.

Step 3 - Annual Mileage, Less Means More in Your Pocket
If your annual mileage is, 5,000 miles or less, ask insurers if they offer discounts for agreed mileage restrictions.

Step 4 - Named Drivers Trick
Adding a named driver to your policy can increase or reduce your premiums depending upon the named drivers age, sex and driving record. Adding a young driver will increase your premiums, particularly with a limited or poor driving record. However, adding a driver over 30 years old with a long and clean driving record can cut premiums, particularly if the named driver is female!

Step 5 - Shop Around and Save Even More
The biggest car insurance savings come from shopping around. There can be massive differences between the lowest and highest car insurance quotes for exactly the same car and driver(s). Start off using good comparitive online quotation sites, take their best quotes and go direct to the cheapest car insurance company for more specific quotes.

So next time your renewal quote arrives, don't just accept it and give your money away to the insurance company. Use the steps above and get the right cover at the right price.

Sunday, December 3, 2006

Do You Have Enough Jewelry Insurance?

Jewelry insurance comes in many forms and varieties and only an insurance agent can provide accurate and specific advice. However, it helps to know enough about jewelry insurance to ask your agent the right questions and to be aware of how the process works. The time to ask your insurance agent the questions is before you insure an item, not when you need to file a claim. Read the fine print in your insurance contract to be sure it provides the coverage you expect.

Understanding jewelry insurance begins with recognizing the difference between scheduled and unscheduled property.

Unscheduled property (jewelry not specifically listed) is typically included in basic homeowner or renter's policies under blanket coverage. There is a usually a deductible (typically $500) and a maximum amount of coverage (typically $1500) although these amounts can vary with the specific policy. This type of coverage does not require an appraisal but sales receipts, written descriptions or photos are beneficial in proving the items existed and estimating their replacement value.

Scheduled property (jewelry specifically listed) is included in a floater, rider or endorsement to homeowner or renter's policies. Jewelry insurance is also available with a separate policy, from a company specializing in jewelry insurance. For scheduled property, the insurance appraisal is vital because it describes the jewelry item and provides the "insured value" that is used in determining the premium you will pay to insure the item each year. Most scheduled property policies do not have an automatic appreciation adjustment as is common for the house and other unscheduled property. Therefore, even if it might cost 50% more to replace an item in five years, the "insured value" is still only that stated in the appraisal.

If you file an insurance claim, the settlement process and amount paid will depend on the policy and in particular, if the policy allows replacement or agreed value settlement. For agreed value policies, the settlement amount is stated in the policy whereas replacement value allows the insurance company to replace your jewelry or make a cash settlement based on the insurance company's cost to replace your item. The insurance company's liability ceiling is set at the "insured value" on the appraisal.

Do you have enough jewelry insurance? The answer depends on what kind of policy you have, the "insured value" is on the appraisal, the settlement procedure is for your particular policy, and the accuracy of the information on your appraisal. If you have a jewelry item valued at more than the $1500, you should definitely consider scheduled as opposed to unscheduled coverage.

The critical issue for scheduled property coverage is the how accurate is the information on the appraisal.
1) If the information on the appraisal is vague and general, the insurance company can replace the item with an item that satisfies the description but perhaps is not the quality and true value of the lost item. Be sure your jewelry appraisal has a detailed and accurate description of the jewelry item.

2) If the appraisal value is artificially high, the insurance company can replace the item at their cost even though the client paid premiums for years on a value twice as much. This is often the case for purchases from a jewelry store with prices double other retailers and the store provides an insurance appraisal even higher than the purchase price. You do not need an appraised value more than 150% of the price you would pay at low priced online retailer.

3) If the appraisal value is too low, the insurance company can make cash settlement that might not cover the current replacement cost of the item. This could be the case for items purchased three or four years ago from a low price online retailer and the appraised value was at or below the purchase price. With diamond prices increasing about 10% a year recently, it does not take long for appraisal values to be out of date if too close to online retail purchase prices. Be sure to have your jewelry insurance appraisal updated every four or five years so you do not end up underinsured.

Saturday, December 2, 2006

Factors Affecting you Motorcycle Insurance Premium

Though it isn't officially required in several states, many motorists prefer to get a motorcycle insurance. It is a good and extremely significant coverage in case the inevitable happens. After all, simply being careful while driving your motorcycle and wearing safety gears isn't the only insurance you need.

Most of us are aware that motorcycles have higher rate of accidents per unit distance compared to cars. This is because of the exposed driver and the reality that most vehicle drivers are unable to see these smaller driving machines in the traffic line.

If you are transferring to a new state or you have just purchased a motorcycle, you should check first the insurance law of your state before whooshing down the road with your bike. This way, you can be sure that you are driving or riding legally. In case your state requires you to have liability coverage, then there are lots of motorcycle insurance options available for you.

To find the best deals on motorcycle insurance, it is always advisable to inquire first before setting your hands in a particular policy. There are key factors that affect your motorcycle insurance premium. Among them are:

1.)Engine displacement size (in cubic centimeter) of your motorcycle. Most of the times, you'll have higher motorcycle insurance premium if your bike employ a larger displacement engine. This type of motorcycles is generally more expensive and they boast superior performance.

2.)Make or brand of the Motorcycle. It isn't such a big factor, but it is usually considered in calculating the motorcycle insurance premium. A motorcycle brand with few models usually cost higher than a usual brand.

3.)The age of the driver or the owner. Older drivers normally benefit from cheaper motorcycle insurance rates than younger drivers using the same type of motorcycle.

4.)Type of bike. The type of bike you own and you are planning to insure also affect the rate of your motorcycle insurance. Sport bikes are normally expensive and thus require higher premium.

5.)Is your motorcycle garaged? If your bike will be parked in a garage if you're not using it, your premium won't be as high as those who are leaving their motorcycle parked out along the pavement. In the latter case, the motorcycle will be prone to accidents and theft and consequently, it will require higher insurance rate.

6.)Driving Record. Your driving record as well as your experience affects your motorcycle insurance payment. If your driving record has been messed up by too many tickets and accidents, then you should expect to pay for higher rates.

7.)Number of miles driven every week. It is an important consideration in calculating your motorcycle insurance payment, since the mileage you are likely to put on your motorcycle will push your premium up or pull it down. So you have to decide first if your bike will serve as your service in your daily commute or it is intended only for leisure. If you will use your motorcycle in your everyday activities, then expect to pay higher premium.

8.)Locality. This factor also matter in the computation of the cost of your motorcycle insurance. If you are residing in a big city, expect slightly higher rates compared to those who are living in a rural area but are insuring the same type of bike.

To get a full motorcycle insurance coverage, make sure that your insurance covers liability coverage, no-fault coverage, passenger coverage, collision coverage, uninsured coverage, collision coverage and service coverage.

Friday, December 1, 2006

Buy To Let Property Insurance

Buy-to-let property insurance, some times also known as residential property owners insurance, is needed if you own houses and/or flats to tenants � either on a short-term or long-term basis. Ordinarily you can buy cheap buy-to-let property insurance in the event that you rent five or less properties in the UK than is the case if you rent more than five properties, as in the case of the former you are seen as a small time landlord with a small business, whereas in the latter you are seen as a full blown property-owning company.

Whether you plan to rent five or less properties, or five or more properties, is, however, a side issue, as in both cases you'll need to ensure that you have at least the minimum level of required insurance in order to protect yourself. Consequently, the number of properties you own will have a bearing only insofar as the insurance premiums are concerned. That said, if you are looking to become a property owner with a letting business, then you need to ensure that you have the following minimum provisions in your insurance policy:


Insuring against any fire on the property

Natural Disaster (also known as tempest insurance)

Insuring against natural disasters that may occur, such as a storm where the winds tear off your roof or guttering


Which is especially important if you are renting out fully furnished properties. In the event that you are renting out unfurnished premises, you may wish to have a discussion with your tenants about whether or not they should have home contents insurance

Public Liability Insurance

This should be a must as it will protect you against any claims your tenants or any third parties (such as their guests) may have for injuries they suffer while on your property

Lost Earnings

There may well be times when your property remains empty; say, for example, while you look for new tenants. If you are relying on the rental income from your tenants to repay the money you borrowed to purchase the property, you need to ensure you have lost earnings insurance to compensate you during this period

Employee Liability Insurance

If you have employees who will visit the property for you to repair any damage, etc. or to collect the rental payments, then you need to make sure that you have employee liability insurance in case they get injured while carrying out their assigned task

Legal Expenses Insurance

As a property owner you may find the need from time to time to retain the services of a lawyer; for example, if your tenants refuse to pay their rent or move out of the property at a specified agreed time � when you may need to get an eviction notice. As legal expenses in the UK can be expensive, you should consider insuring against this risk by having in place a provision of legal expenses in your insurance policy.

Although the above are basically the bare minimums you need in your buy-to-let property insurance policy, you can also tailor these types of insurance policies to meet your particular needs, so make sure that you talk through your circumstances with your insurance provider, especially if you anticipate expanding the business in the near future.